Let's Talk About Sex Workshop (18+)


It’s so important we have these conversations with our children. This is an essential conversation we need to be having with our children 6+.


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It’s so important we have these conversations with our children. This is an essential conversation we need to be having with our children 6+.


It’s so important we have these conversations with our children. This is an essential conversation we need to be having with our children 6+.


In parenting, we try to avoid talking about inappropriate things. Sex being one of them, goodness me if we talk about it too young we might encourage sexual behaviour too early, right? Wrong!

What if I told you the exact opposite actually happens, by teaching and sharing information with your child they only become 'clued up!' Our children become knowledgeable, aware, prepared and able to understand. Vulga language, inappropriate behaviour, disrespectful jokes, peer pressure, sexual preferences are understood, they are aware of acceptable language and boundaries.

At ten years old this language is 'normal' in the school playground and let me tell you it goes on in all schools, wherever they my be, private or public, all over the country! Here are a few lines I have heard in my coaching only recently.

- Ten year old boy to ten year old girl, "My friend wants to have sex you! He told me!"

- 13 year old to 11 year old, "Hey beauty, want to come and take a walk with me?"

- "You are a slut" - "Are you a virgin?"

The list goes on and on.

Let's educate our children, don't be scared and shy away from it. Giving our children girls and boys knowledge and awareness allows them to be in control. Children easily have access to the internet now, more than ever and that comes with pornographic content. Even if they don't themselves have access their friends do, and friends talk. But if you have spoken to your children about these things before, they wont know what is real and what isn't. We are allowing our children to have a tainted impression of the truth about relationships, love and sex. Our young children from porn learn that woman are submissive and perfectly looking and men are rough and also perfectly looking. Imagine the distorted understanding that gives our children if that is all that they have been exposed to.

They way we talk to our girls and boys is different. I will share details of what is important and at what ages we should be introducing such conversations. It is younger than most realise. We will touch on puberty too, explaining to our children what will happen to their bodies, periods and wet dreams is essential. This is normal and happens to everyone, it isn't shameful and doesn't make them weird or different.

As a parent it is awkward and hard, I get it but it is so important and you will be so pleased you took the lead on this topic rather than their friend explaining how you do it!